Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process of welcoming those newcomers or inquirers into the Roman Catholic Church. Holy Family Parish is committed to encouraging others to come and share our Catholic Faith. We welcome people who are interested in coming to know and love the faith we share. RCIA is a community and personal journey that leads to a transformation of the mind and spirit in a relationship with God.
The RCIA process is under the direction of Father Joe Ed Holland, our Pastoral Staff and dedicated RCIA team. We collaborate with Our Lady of Victory Parish in Tallmadge. Our weekly meetings begin in September. We celebrate entrance into the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass, and conclude a few weeks after Easter.
If you are a non-Catholic interested in understanding and exploring conversion to the Catholic faith, or a Catholic looking to deepen your own appreciation or rebirth of your Catholic faith, the RCIA would certainly be of benefit. Consult the Bulletin for details.
Do you know someone who would like to know more about the Catholic faith and the Catholic community, someone who is being called to a journey of faith for many reasons? RCIA is an ongoing process for someone to learn about the Catholic faith and, if desired, to become a member of the Catholic Church. Please invite them to come and see for themselves! Sessions include prayer, a short scripture reading, a small group discussion, an RCIA Team speaker or guest speaker and refreshments.
Call Fr. Ed Holland for information at (330) 688-6412 ext. 217.
The Journey
The Journey is divided into four parts:
Evangelization and Precatechumenate
Inquirers are invited to ask questions, share their stories, hear the Good News and reflect on the place of God in their lives. No commitment is required at this time.
The period ends with the Rite of Acceptance.
- Unbaptized inquirers formally request membership in the Church through the Rite of Becoming a Catechumen.
- Baptized inquirers participate in the Rite of Welcoming the Candidates.
A period devoted to formal preparation for full Initiation. During this time, the catechumens and candidates grow in faith by developing an understanding of the Church teachings and by listening to the Liturgy of the Word and discussing what they've heard. The period ends with the the Rite of Election for Catechumens which celebrates God's call to receive the Initiation sacraments, and the Rite of Calling the Candidates to continuing conversion.
Purification and Enlightenment
A period lasting through Lent for reflecting on religious experience and faith. This is a time of intense preparation centered on the Word of God, the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and Scrutinies. The period ends at the Easter Vigil with the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.
This is a period lasting from Easter until our last Tuesday session of RCIA. The newly initiated (Neophytes) focus on developing a deeper understanding of Jesus' death and resurrection by sharing the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, reading and studying the Scriptures, and in the mission of the Church for justice and peace.