Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation

First Reconciliation/First Communion preparation takes place in first and second grades. Children who attend public school must register for PSR where they receive classroom instruction. Children who attend Holy Family School receive classroom instruction in their religion classes.

In addition to classroom instruction, children in second grade attend two Saturday retreats. Parents of second graders attend two retreats and assist their child with home study books.

Registration is required for all second grade students, both PSR and HFS. If your child is in second grade, please complete the registration form, the Emergency Health Form, and the Parental Consent Form and return these to the rectory by August 15. A copy of your child's baptismal form is also required if s/he was not baptized at Holy Family.

**If you have a child 3rd grade or older who has not received the sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation and/or First Eucharist, please contact Diane Hurtuk, Director of Religious Education [email protected], (330) 688-6412, ext. 273.for instruction information.

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